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A dog in our life

There’s a dog in my life. I remember growing up with two dogs named Poochie and Blondie. Poochie was a very large dog almost as big as a Saint Bernard that was a dark brown. I would try to ride him like a horse but he would shake me off. Blondie got ran over by a dump truck once but survived it without serious injury but did get special attention from everyone for a while. They did not belong to me. I was 4 or 5. I would go in at night and they would go home to their owners. We were friends and playmates.

The dog in my life now does not belong to me. He belongs to my granddaughter. I’ve owned dogs before. They are a lot of trouble. They chew and bite furniture, tear cloth, tear paper to shreds, are not always sanitary and will love you unconditionally. They always forgive you and forget you have wronged them in any way. You will become part of their wolf pack. You had better hope to be the alpha male or female.

We are a part of the family of God by faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus is our brother, Savior, and Lord. He loves us unconditionally. He carries no grudges or unforgivness and expects us to do the same.

We are part of His eternal family. Nothing can separate you from His love. He’s better than your closest friend. He does not leave you tattered and torn. He heals you.

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