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  • Writer's pictureWayne Blue

A flat tire.....

A flat tire almost derailed our Thanksgiving Day plans. But, it

did not. The details are not important because we managed to

work out the details. This is to say that I have learned to pray

my way through each detail. I fixed the flat tire today. With

each detail I consulted the Lord for wisdom. The tire was fixed

and the car ran without a problem.

Have you noticed that there are always unexpected hitches and

problems that come every day? Some are serious but most are

not. If you pay attention spiritually you may be prepared when

the serious ones come. I confess that usually I am caught by

surprise. Maybe I should pay attention spiritually more often?

In 1Thessalonians 5:17 the Apostle Paul advised Timothy to

pray without ceasing. He also said in the next verse to give

thanks in everything for this is the will of God. He added in the

next verse to not quench the Spirit. I listened to the Holy Spirit

to give me “tire fixing” wisdom. I received the wisdom and now

I give Him thanks for being in every aspect of my life. My heart

and tire is fixed O Lord!



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