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  • Writer's pictureWayne Blue

An alarm......

There is nothing more alarming than an alarm clock going off in the

morning when you’re asleep. OK maybe a fire alarm or a firetruck

siren. The sound is really irritating. It forces you to deal with it. Leilani

started to scrabble across the bed while I was in another room. I ran

quickly to the clock and turned off the alarm button. I apologized while

Leilani controlled her displeasure. The alarm clock did its job and we

were awake. We started getting ready for our tasks of the day.

I wonder if God has an alarm system to get our attention. Some would

say yes and point out various disasters as indicators. I don’t agree.

Disasters are what we need to be made aware of before they come.

They are the reasons for the alarm. The Lord told Haggai the prophet,

“”Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the

earth, and the sea, and the dry land….” (Haggai2:6). The shaking was to

tell them that something very import was coming to pass. The shaking

is God’s alarm system. So, be ready!

The event in Haggai was that the glory of God was about to fill His

house. Now we are the temple or house of God. Get ready. He is

about to fill His house with glory. Can you feel the shaking? I believe

God’s getting ready to fill His house with glory ounce again.



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