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  • Writer's pictureWayne Blue


I’m not a birdwatcher. Or, at least I wasn’t up until now. Maybe I have become sort of a

birdwatcher. Leilani and I put up a bird feeder in the front yard and we watch the birds feed,

and the squirrels, and the rabbits. Amy gave me an Arkansas Bird Guide for Christmas. I’ve

looked through it a few times but not seriously. Until, yesterday Leilani and I saw a

brilliantly blue bird at our feeder we had never seen before. It was about the size of a

sparrow. I looked it up in the book. It seemed to be an Indigo Bunting. The female bird is a

light brown. Today Leilani observed four or five of these brilliantly colored birds around

our feeder. They come here in the spring and summer and then migrate south in the winter.

Maybe it’s just me, but I could see God’s creating beauty just for us at this moment like the lilies of the field. These little male birds bust their buttons for their girlfriends to just get a mate. They raise a family of little buntings to glorify God’s world on a smaller scale.

Jesus taught us to consider the birds and how God cares for them. (Matthew 6:26). Later Jesus said you and I are of much more value than many sparrows. (Mathew 10:31). Watch for the little things. There are miracles all around waiting for us to discover them.



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