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  • Writer's pictureWayne Blue

Contact with God

“Conscious contact with God” is a subject I have explored recently and then I stumbled on an unheard of subject: “Subconscious contact with God.” It seems that we are on God’s mind even when we are not aware of it. God has a way of breaking into our situation sometimes unexpectedly. Our county roads are narrow and it is easy for someone to cross over a bit into your lane. Or, you may look down while you’re driving and veer off the edge of the road which has no shoulder to speak of. It was something like that.

I was startled and corrected my driving instantly saying to God, “Thank you for sending your angels to watch over me.” He replied, “You are welcome, but it wasn’t an angel it was Me.” “I had to get your attention.” We had a conversation as I drove.

The Bible teaches us to pray without ceasing. (1Thessalonians 5:17) If your idea of prayer is formal with recited parts and such, your prayer life will be difficult to sustain all the time. However, if it means to keep your mind, heart, and ears open for God’s probing, you will have some glorious and awesome experiences with the Lord.

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