Recently I watched a scene of “Dancing in The Rain” where
Gene Kelly danced down the street in a continuous rain. He
splashed and stomped in the puddles here and there singing as
he went. We went to the store today. The rain never let up. I
would occasionally sing “Dancing in the Rain.” Leilani did not
think it was so funny. But, it was an adventure.
During the dark, rainy days just before Christmas and New Year,
we would best learn to sing and celebrate the incarnation of
the Son of God. I was never a good dancer as a boy. Leilani
was an outstanding dancer and singer. Our denomination
frowned on dancing, so we would sneak around to do so. What
is it that makes humans want to dance?
We are commanded to praise the LORD with trumpets, singing
and “Praise Him with the timbrel and the dance.” (Psalm
150:4). I watched people praise the Lord when I visited Israel
and I was moved. Let us praise the Lord with the angels on high
as they sang “Glory to God in the highest.” Maybe they danced