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  • Writer's pictureWayne Blue


Today is my granddaughter, Brynna's fourteenth birthday. She is a very strong young Christian young lady.During a practice session, I enjoyed hearing my granddaughter sing a wonderful song I call “Hallelujah.” I’m not sure if that’s the actual title but it will do. As the song would reach a crescendo, she would belt out the word, “Hallelujah.” I was thrilled to hear it. The theme song from the Movie, “Shrek,” was similar to this song. Why does such a word have such a powerful impact on hearers? From where did it come?

The last Psalm, 150:1, begins with Hallelujah. The Hebrew may be translated, “hillel,” praise. The next sound is “lu,” ye. The last syllable is, “yah,” or Jehovah (LORD). So put them all together it is, “Praise ye the LORD!” Hallelujah!

Praising the Lord is a powerful thing for believers to do. By praising God we are able to invite God to manifest His presence with us. Using musical form is only one way to do it. But, it is a wonderful way. Just attempt to sing praise to God in whatever way you may and I am sure you will begin to sense His warming presence.

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