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  • Writer's pictureWayne Blue

Lesson from pain

OK. I got the Christmas lights up but my back went out. Ouch! A

doctor once told me that pain was there to remind you that you’re

alive. Boy! I am really alive.

Pain has taught me how to arrange each step I take. I have to plan

every trip I take through the house, outside, or to the bathroom. I have

to think about each move. God has been good to me in this that I have

been able to sleep with minimal discomfort. Leilani moved me to the

other side of the bed so I would be closer to the bathroom. I agreed (I

had better agree because I would not be able to defend myself in a real

fight). We never fight verbally or otherwise.

The word of God tells us, “...that all things work together for good to

them that love God, to them who are the called according to His

purpose.” (Romans 8:28). God is good. I love God. And, I am one of

them that are” the called” according to His purpose. I know something

good is coming my way.

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