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  • Writer's pictureWayne Blue


The water was up above the tires so it seemed, from a ditch overflowing near the Police Academy. It was raining quite a bit as well. Other cars were going through and the sheriff deputies were there motioning for people to go slow. Some complied. So did I. Others were more adventuresome and went with fantailed spray from either side as they went. I had an adventure but I was not that courageous.

I understand that some roads were closed in other places around the area. But the water drained away and the excitement ended. Life has adventures and anxious times. The greatest adventure is yet to come. Another time God’s people were led by God’s man, Moses, through high water of the Red Sea to their freedom.

Today we celebrate an adventure that happened over 3500 years ago. God delivered His people out of Egypt powerfully and miraculously: Passover. Tonight we are to have a Seder, or, a Passover meal. When the family gathers the story is told with the symbolism of the food itself. As followers of Jesus, or Yeshua, we have brought the meal into the New Covenant. Yeshua celebrated the Seder the night before His crucifixion saying,” this bread is my broken body given for you.” He also took the cup of redemption saying, “This cup is the blood of the New Covenant poured out for you.” (Matthew 26:26- 28)



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