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  • Writer's pictureWayne Blue

Pray always.....

I received a request for prayer for Israel, Israel’s Prime Minister, The USA, our President, and our Vice President. When so requested, I take such prayer request seriously. We are admonished to be, “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.” (Ephesians 6:18). I believe this means with all different kinds of prayer such as decrees, declarations, requests, using our most intimate personal pleas, and intercessions. This may well be a good time to pray fully in the spirit. There is a shaking or trembling in the spirit realm that is getting our attention.

You may ask, “Who are we to involve ourselves in national and international decisions?” My answer is, “We are the ones God has called out to do the job. And, it is marvelous in our eyes.” We speak not only at the ballot box, but, we have access to the throne room of God Almighty to come boldly with our requests. God’s grace not only applies to our personal needs, but, to nations and the world.

Arise Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, Hameleck Yeshua Hamesshiak, find your voice and calling. Now is the time for the Spirit of Christ to be revealed in you. Tear down the devil’s strongholds and raise up the tabernacle of David in the USA and in Israel.



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