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  • Writer's pictureWayne Blue


Super Bowl 53 is set for Sunday. I can remember the first Super Bowl. The NFL won as expected but a few years later the AFL won with Joe Namath as quarterback. The two leagues merged and the rest is history. In those days the game was the main thing. But, today most of the hype is about the commercials and who will do the national anthem. Entertainment seems to occupy our attention in this era.

Have you ever become depressed because your team lost a game? Or, have you been down because your favorite movie star was exposed for some rank behavior? What occupies your mind? About what do you meditate? The Bible has something to say about meditation. Psalms 1:1-2 records that a blessed man is one who meditates in the LORD’s law or word day and night. Would you like to be a blessed person? Get into God’s word and meditate on it all the time.

God’s word also says, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 2:5). If you need something to meditate about ask Jesus to think His thoughts in you. If you do so, you will be truly blessed.



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