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  • Writer's pictureWayne Blue

The heavens are speaking

In my last reflection I noted how the universe was speaking to us. Psalm19:1-2 reported that the heavens are declaring the glory of God. The psalmist also said that day after day the heavens pour out speech. Today I heard a scientist describe a heavenly object as “trying to tell us something.” What she was talking about was a pulsar.

A pulsar is a neutron star that emits radiation flashes. It seems that such a star is one that collapsed in upon itself such that it grew very dense. The star was very small compared to other stars but very powerful. The star would rotate very rapidly creating a strong magnetic field. A neutron star the size of earth could rotate 700 times per second. The star would pulse a radiation beam which could be observed by a radio telescope. The pulsations would be so precise that you could set accurate time from it. A pulsar was a mystery to many until others were observed.

The first observed pulsar star was about 50 years ago. Some suggested we were getting messages from alien worlds. However, as I said in my previous reflection, I believe the heavens are telling us about God and His creation. Much of the world would rather believe in UFO’s and such than to consider a Holy Creator. Remember, God is also great in love and mercy. The heavens are telling us to come to God for His love and grace. Jesus came into this world from the throne to tell us of God the Father.



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