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  • Writer's pictureWayne Blue

The heavens declare

Some scientists are looking for life in our solar system. Some are looking outside into the universe. They are convinced if there are the right chemicals and solutions with various temperatures then somehow life could bubble up. I find this idea interesting because ancient Greek philosophers suggested the same thing. But I know from a different source that life is out there in the stars and other celestial places.

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” (Psalms 19:1) The Bible tells us that the entire universe is speaking and revealing things to us about God. Another place in the Word of God it says the “morning stars sang together,” (Job 38:7) in creation. Each day pours speech to us, if we are willing to tune in by the Spirit of God.

There is much to hear and see in this world that is telling us about God’s wisdom, goodness, and power. Look around you. The creation is shouting to you!



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