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  • Writer's pictureWayne Blue

Water of life

The human being is composed of about 70% liquid and 30% solids. Our world is covered by about 70% water and 30% land. But, there is water on land and even water underground. Our atmosphere has water in it as well. We’re not as dry as you think. Is our earth the only thing in our galaxy with water? No. There are objects orbiting our sun composed mostly of water: comets. As comets get closer to the sun they spray out particles that make them look like they are on fire. The cores of comets are made of rocks and smaller particles. They also have methane, carbon dioxide, and other gases. Our whole universe is made of the same stuff as us.

Darwinists and atheists tell us our world evolved by accident perhaps by a comet striking earth. But, we know better. However, we are walking sacks of water and soil inhabited by a spirit. Daily our earth suit requires us to rehydrate regularly or our bodies will become something like a mummy. We know by God’s word that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit if we have given ourselves to Jesus.

Jesus invites us daily if you thirst you may come to Him and take of the water of life freely. (Revelation 22:17). We are designed to express the glory of God in this world. We were planted here by God. We are instructed to grow and multiply and to subdue the earth. Sin came and marred the process. Jesus came to set us right. When we have finished filling this world are we to expand out into other worlds? Hmmm! Maybe!



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