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  • Writer's pictureWayne Blue

We are not forgotten.....

Have you ever felt forgotten and alone in the world? Could you forget what you look like? We usually go to the mirror in the bathroom and see how we look when we first get up. I think I would prefer to forget that image. But, still, it gives me an idea of my appearance. I know me it seems.

The most often part of our body we see throughout the day are our hands. In the Bible, we find in Isaiah 49:16 that God promised to never forget His people. The Lord emphasized that our names are inscribed on the palms of His hands. It sounds like He has carved our names into His hands so that He is reminded of us continually. Surely this is metaphorical. Or is it?

After Jesus was raised from the dead one of His appearances He spoke to Thomas inviting him to put his finger into the nail scars in His hands. Even now the holes in Jesus’ hands made by the nails of the cross remind Him for whom He died. We are not forgotten. He’s reminded of us continually. We are not forgotten or alone.



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