Someone asked me the question: “How and why are we here?” “How”
I came to be is easy history. It is a bit too boring to tell. However, I may
tell a story someday with a fictional character that does heroic things, a
person a bit like me. “What” I am doing is more in the present tense
and could be explained. But, the “Why” question requires that I do
some investigation. I took the question personally, but it was about
“We” and not just “Me.”
Our culture seems to suggest that it is about finding pleasure and
avoiding pain. “Whatever works,” is the motto. The atheist says we are
here by accident. The Bible says we are here on purpose. In fact, the
Bible said we were planted here in a garden. That’s not to say we’re
vegetable matter. God had a plan for us from the beginning.
Something catastrophic happened that messed the whole thing up.
We’ve got a sin problem.
I thank God for Christmas because it says God sent Jesus into my world
to fix the sin problem in me. He took my pain and gave me His
pleasure. I’ve made it personal again. I’m here (and you too) on
purpose. Why? To fulfill His will.